A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Social Media

We understand that technology is playing a greater part in our everyday lives and can be a useful tool in assisting parents and carers to feel more connected to their child's school. 

Our App

Live and ready for you to install, it is available free of charge on your mobile device via the App Store, Google Play or the Phone Store. Just follow the instructions on the installation guide and hey presto, you’re in!

The app has a number of ‘tabs’ which will enable you to access the key parts of our website including our website school calendar, a quick contact tab as well as handy extras to connect you to key school information.

Our Facebook Page

Parents and carers have told us they would like to be more involved in their child’s school life and understand more about the teaching methods we use so that you can support your child’s learning. Social media can allow that to happen in real time. 

You can view our Facebook page using this link:

Our Facebook page includes information on what the children do within class, photographs, general notices and any other information we think you may find helpful. Our primary goal is to provide inspirational teaching and learning to your child at all times and social media will be used to provide snapshots of this happening.  Not all classes will be featured every week, however we aim to post content (be it photographs, news articles linked from our website, brief descriptions of what a particular class achieved that day) on a regular basis and ensure that the page has an even mix of Reception, KS1 and KS2 classes.

You can view our Lumen Learning Trust policy on social media here if you would like more information on the guiding principles of how school social media accounts will be used by the school as well as the wider community.

Saxon Primary School