Trips, Visits and Experiences
Educational Visits
During the year we aim to take the children on at least one visit associated with the topic being studied in class. You will receive curriculum information in September in order that you can plan your own linked visits should you wish to do so. We also receive a wide variety of educational visitors, including musicians, dancers, sports specialists and a number of others who are specialists in their fields.
Clubs and Curriculum Enrichment
We have an exciting range of after school clubs, which reflect the pupil voice surveys conducted by the Saxon School Council each year. Most recently clubs on offer have included football, dance, drama, computing, engineering, arts/crafts, choir and newspaper club, to name a few. The clubs are led by teachers and teaching assistants as well as outside specialists. There is a balance of fee-paying and free clubs and we work hard to ensure that all children have equality of access and opportunity in terms of this element of extra-curricular provision.
Our curriculum is enriched in many ways alongside our trips and residentials, and a variety of opportunities are planned for throughout a school year in different year groups. These include Junior Citizenship, Bikeability & Pedals and Forest Schools. Saxon is proud to have its own Forest School where the children are able to learn a variety of skills such as, fire making, knife skills, den building, observational skills and many more. All children have access to this area of provision throughout a school year.
School Journeys
At Saxon we are committed to enriching the curriculum and providing our children with a range of exciting opportunities, which include a range of residential trips.
Our Year 3 children will experience a sleepover for one-night in school on a Friday in the Spring Term, complete with bedtime stories and a continental breakfast in the morning. This is an introductory activity to being away from home in preparation for our longer residentials in Years 4, 5 and 6.
In the Summer term of Year 4, the children will experience a one-night, two-day Learning Festival, camping at Walton Firs, complete with a variety of Forest School activities including den building, fire making, kite making, sewing and many others.
In Year 5, the children have the opportunity to attend a trip to Bowles Rocks Outdoor Centre in Kent. Here they will experience a range of outdoor activities such as rock climbing, raft-building, dry slope skiing and a ‘leap of faith’.
Finally, in Year 6, the children will take part in a three-night, four-day trip to one of England’s cities in the South West where they will take part in a range of different activities focusing on their learning in humanities and science including a “slightly scary” ghost walk through the city one evening, visiting a Georgian costume gallery and taking in a show at a Planetarium. You can view the image gallery of our latest Year 6 residential by clicking here.
The School Grounds![](/_site/data/files/images/2020%20images/B88A1C7F660BBCB8C434AEA5FD639A19.jpg)
Saxon Primary is situated on a very large school site which includes a very large field and three separate playgrounds. Consequently, we aim to make the best and most effective use of our school grounds. In addition to their use in our PE curriculum, the grounds are rich in animal habitats and plants which help us develop our science curriculum.