A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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At Saxon, PSHE provides opportunities for children to understand how they are developing personally and socially. It explores moral, social and cultural issues that children face as they grow up. Our considered, holistic approach to teaching PSHE provides the building blocks for our children to become healthy, independent and responsible adults.

We teach Personal, Social, Health Education as a whole-school approach to both underpin children’s development as people and to support their capacity to learn. This is done through the programme ‘Jigsaw’, a Scheme of Work that is both progressive and consistent in its approach and content. The Jigsaw Programme supports children in building the knowledge and skills in an age-appropriate way, enabling them to access the wider curriculum and the world around them. It also supports children in becoming responsible citizens, both now and in their future roles within a global community.

Alongside our dedicated Jigsaw lessons, aspects of PSHE are addressed throughout the school day through the incorporation of our 5Rs. These are qualities that we believe to be integral to social and emotional development and are identified as:

  • Resilience
  • Responsive
  • Reflective
  • Resourceful
  • Responsible
Saxon Primary School